Gas recovery – Austria

Governments have issued a series of measures to protect the environment by imposing fines on companies that release or burn gas in the atmosphere. Gas pipeline plants and in general any system that handles natural gas must be cleaned periodically for maintenance purposes. SAFE has developed a system capable of recovering gas by compressing it in the operating network or in other processes.

Customer request:
A compact and flexible solution was required that would recover and then compress gas in the operating pipeline with the following specifications:

Suction pressure (barG)From 63 to 7
Suction temperature (°C)20
Discharge pressure (barG)71
Maximum flow rate required at 61 barG of suction pressure (Sm3/hour)2.500

Advantages and features of the SAFE solution:

  • High flexibility and efficiency
    SAFE provided an efficient, flexible, safe and compact turnkey solution for gas recovery and re-compression within the pipeline. It consists of a single skid with a flexible and efficient SAFE SV series compressor operating across a wide range of suction pressures, with a flow rate of 2,500 Sm3/hour at a suction pressure of 61 barG, coupled to an electric motor and equipped with a gas cooling system at each compression stage.
  • It guarantees the highest safety standards
    The solution is fully packaged inside a soundproof and weatherproof container with firefighting and fire&gas detection systems.
  • High quality standards in design and installation
    A turnkey solution, tested in-house, including transport to the Customer’s site, with testing and commissioning carried out by SAFE’s own specialist technicians.

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